Brief thoughts on 1977

This took me really long to complete, but despite that, it is still an easy year to sit through and rank. I don’t think the films are all amazing, but like 2012, they are very interesting to say the least, and I actually enjoyed watching them. It’s worth noting that each of them had something special/unique/original – Star Wars is, well Star Wars. Annie Hall has Diane Keaton. The Goodbye Girl produced the youngest best actor winner at its time. Julia had Vanessa Redgrave’s brilliant performance and controversial speech. The Turning Point has the distinction of being the first movie with 11 nominations (including some head-scratching acting nominations) without winning any.

Despite my constant procrastination, I think ranking this is pretty easy. Some of the scores have changed as I became more objective over time.

5. The Turning Point – 2.5/5
4. The Goodbye Girl – 3/5
3. Annie Hall – 4/5
2. Julia – 4.5/5
1. Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope – 5/5

Best actress:

5. Marsha Mason in The Goodbye Girl – 3/5
4. Shirley Maclaine in The Turning Point – 3/5
3. Anne Bancroft in The Turning Point – 4.5/5
2. Jane Fonda in Julia – 5/5
1. Diane Keaton in Annie Hall – 5/5

Future plans: I have to confess, my enthusiasm for this project has died a little, and if I were to pick one year as motivation to continue, it would be either 1974 or 1976 as these years sound amazing. But as of now, it is going to be film performances. I want to explore the works of famous actors and actresses whom I need to watch more of – Vanessa Redgrave, Glenda Jackson, Alec Guinness, Maggie Smith, Kirk Douglas, Peter O’Toole etc.


  1. Aw, sorry to hear that your enthusiasm is dwindling. I’m really fond of reading other people’s blogs regarding performances, and it seems like what was once a flourishing little sub-community is now dropping off piece by piece 😦 Hope you’ll stick around!

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